forge of empires optimal great building levels

The Castel is moderately sized (55=25 squares), providing an attack boost, and forge points. You will make a huge investment in FPs in your GBs so making a mistake early on will be costly. My strategy is to get teh dyna tower before i am out of the LMA. The Critical hit bonus is also great. Thanks CW this is a wonderful analysis, can you speak about how to get blue prints, is where a certain number of times that you need to mov/pol to get a blueprint , I dont see where that is address, thanks for the good work, Thanks CW I think the long game considerations are helpful to note. St MARKS BASILICA Ok/bad As above, but gold is useless. I will not touch babel and colo. Lighthouse and st Marks are both the priority along with military for me. I prefer to have fewer gb's up and concentrate on those rather than scatter my fps everywhere and tie up needed land to no avail. It provides you with two things: Coins, which as I've established hundreds of times already, is a crap bonus. This tells you a relic appeared on your GE map. GAIA STATUE ok/good good happiness, not too bad medals. Provides an amount of supplies every 24 hours. What do you intend t9 focus on playstyle wise? The gold is worthless, the attack % is vital if you fight. A close second for worthless is Nortre Dame. +100% when maxed. Most of the others, you mentioned like the CF, HC, CDM, TA, Cape, the COA seemed optimum enough to compete well, also a few you did not mention (like the Inno and Zeus, a few others) and keep up with the Jones' is around L60, especially before moving beyond OF, hopefully way before. 2.1 Average Results for Specific Levels 3 Special Goods 4 Contribution Rewards 5 Other Great Buildings Levels Random Rewards Every current age good Average Results for Specific Levels This table lists the average total Diplomatic Gifts after all tries from a harvest of the carrier are used up. Depending on the building, you will get the following: Advanced Tactics (Known up to levels where the chance is 70%. everything else takes a back seat. But 91 costs too much unless you literally have FP to burn. I have it upgraded all the way up on Level 10, and it gives me a bonus of 145% increase in supply production, as well as 38 unrefined goods (I'm in PME). LOTUS TEMPLE useless the rarest GB in the game. Guild Goods If you have the goods for an Alcatraz, then you can make a deal with a player who wants those goods and agree to trade him the goods for (i.e.) *The post does not include FE GBs. In effect, they are like large Premium buildings (often much better! Why? Bottom line, a maxed Tower is bad news early on, and only really beneficial in the Late Middle Ages or later unless you have another GB or two to cover the increased need for happiness and income (e.g. Saturday at 10:07 PM. Much depends on what you like to do. These are at minimum sufficient to pay back the cost of the space and goods required to build it. Your guide ended with Arctic Orangery. With all those supplies, youll be able to upgrade your houses fairly easily. Bottom line: take it for the coin production, or if you are in an aggressive neighbourhood. The daily 6 forge points benefit is harder to quantify. Raging Clue: You cant directly sell goods for FPs. It does provide a fair amount of gold, but it needs a reno kit to move up in age. The average optimal level for nearly all GBs is roughly level 80. many deviations from that. This method is the 2nd least time-consuming. Space (medals) have the next palpable value. Web You have just received a large amount of forge points and want to level up another great building as quickly as possible in Forge of Empires the online strategy game. Zeus level 75-77 costs 1192 forge points. Guys, this advice is from about 5 years ago, the game was radically different then. Thats the equivalent of 12.3 Churches, or 4.3 (LMA premium) Palaces, but in much less space of course. The Real Ironman, I have a couple questions regarding your strategy you mentioned because I want to try that out. At the other end, Alcatraz won hands down, with CdM a distant second. At this rate though, it will take a few months to pay back the cost of the space needed to build it assuming you can get it up to level 10. You are using an out of date browser. Thats not all. Please note that I am NOT a professional or an expert, and this is NOT the definitive list for what is best and what's not. Cant understand why people max out GBs giving FPs, as they invest thousands of FPs in these GBs to get 5-8 FPs back. That being said, in my older world, I had many of my gb's especially fighting ones at 60 minimum, before feeling better prepared. multiple Arches, or markets, only to tear them down again later on when something else more space-effective is available. It looks like that this is to repel the plunderers once in a while. Once you have more resources than you can use (youll probably only reach this point around Tomorrow Era), then it become smus less useful. You need to produce as many as you can. Already its common to see people with more than 100 points attack/defense boost. Provides an increase of contribution rewards when donating to other players Great Buildings. Unlike conventional buildings which require only coins / supplies, Great Buildings have requirements of goods and a full set of blueprints which must be collected before the Great Building can be constructed. Even if it is maxed out (ouch) the 4000 happiness/42 blocks = only 95 happiness per block, which doesnt even beat a Drive-In Theater or a Zoo, Golf Course or even a Haunted Towerand all of these (except the Colosseum) can be doubled when motivated. FLAT COINS? Don't build this, it's a joke of a Great Building. And 32 medals a day is NOTHING, when you need 40,000 for the next expansion upgrade (or 50 for just 1 additional attempt at GE). And THIS, is why happiness, coins and supplies-providing Great Buildings suck - the inflation of how many coins and supplies needed will eventually make them look like it's meant to be served as a part of a Happy Meal in McDonalds. Read all you can on GBs. Diplomatic Gifts Overall, this IS a very, and I do mean, VERY good Great Building, and I'll be amazed if you don't have it by The Future at the very latest. Each Age offers two Great Buildings (with No Age, Early Middle Ages, Arctic Future and Oceanic Future having three Great Buildings each and Space Age Asteroid Belt, Space Age Venus and Space Age Jupiter Moon having one Great Building), each one with its own unique bonus, graphic and space required to build. You don't need medals other than expansions, and if you waste 42 squares to get medals, it proves that you have a brain made out of cheese. Is there a list of what BP can drop from motivating each type of building within the game? Critical Hit Let's say you get first place in an Arc levelling up to Level 10. (By the way, the Cathedral is a very helpful addition to your city if you have a Tower of Babel.). Again, youll want to advance to the next age as rapidly as possible, to get the maximum benefit. If you are in a 1.9 and have a busy 1.9 thread in your guild then it makes sense to get your Arc raised up to 100+ . Post-Arc80 Level 60-70. The Player will not receive any compensation for deleting the Great Building - neither goods nor blueprints nor invested forge points nor diamonds will be paid back. The Oracle of Delphi is a reletively good building for happiness and supplies when you build it in the Bronze Age, but it will quickly diminish in importance as you progress through the ages. Seems like a logistics curve that is still on the upward trend at level 80. When you want to build the GB again in the future, you will start from Level 0 and you will need a full set of BP again. skuras101 2 yr. ago. Press J to jump to the feed. I'd consider not building it at all tbh.. Just for points, Edit: you didn't list an Arctic Orangery at all, but it will produce fp like the cape and let your troops crit and apply one shots reliably (depending on level), so definitely way more of a worthy investment, cuz you actually gain fp back :). TA from level 59-61 gives 1% ATK and DEF for both attacking and defending armies. Dump your Forge Points here if you have nothing else to do, but otherwise, it might not be a good idea to build the Galata Tower. Interestingly, the Goods output of St Marks is only somewhat (15%?) The (maxed) daily output of 19750 coins (much less than the pre 0.26 output) is weaker than that from St Marks (which is a larger GB), but much better than the Cathedral of Aachen (same size, but earlier age). Details of the cost of Forge Points on levels can be found on the page of each building. At Level 1, you can stuff 4 Chalets from the same age and it will provide 38 more population than the Tower of Babel. The Statue is interesting both because it is the smallest GB (23, only 6 spaces! Thoughts? The beauty of the GB is that it's passive, so long as it's collected the guild is [] How to Get Ahead-of-Age Great Buildings | Forge of Empires Guides - [] you aren't alone in those thoughts. Plunder Repel Not saying the former arent important; they have their place. The compact size makes this more the reason to invest 2500 Forge Points into it. Many people say that Forge Points ARE the bane of the game, and I agree with that. Forge Points No GB can supply you with attached units. This is just my personal opinion, and you can feel free to disagree. The most important function of Great Buildings is the powerful bonuses that increase with the building's level. Total GB shouldnt be more than these 11. The average quantity of GBs per person currently is around 4. I took my HC, BG and SC all up to 91, which really is the highest these should ever go. Wondering if anyone has a list of targeted levels of each great building?? To level your Great Building, you need to contribute a specific amount of Forge Points to the building. All Blueprints can be viewed in the inventory menu which is located at the bottom left orange "inventory" icon of the screen. 1. Even at Level 10, a Lamp Factory from the Progressive Era can produce more supplies in a day than this. Youre going to fight. The attack boost is the same as that for the Statue of Zeus (+50% when maxed), and stacks. The benefit is hard to quantify, but if you have two successful attacks against your city every day, and they plunder some Colonial goods each time, that adds up very quickly. Bottom line: yes, take it for the happiness (the supplies are just a bonus). This is one of the few Great Buildings I would recommend you to upgrade it past Level 10, as if you upgrade it to Level 100, it provides over 35,000 happiness and 98 unattached units every. single. If you dont invest in military buildings early and level them up, you will be a helpless victim in the Progressive era. There's no real optimal level. Strictly speaking, its a lot better than the Statue of Zeus, because at low levels, there is very little benefit from the attack strength bonus (on either GB), but the Cathedral still gives you some coins. It would be nice to know if it is worth the investment to level up certain GBs. Although this is somewhat helpful to all players for conquest of map sectors (and hence saves on some goods), it is particularly helpful to players later interested in PvP contests and medals, so has enduring value. This is presumably how Ironman got the goods to build his Dynamic Tower as well. I have looked through all my guild/friends/neighbors and have not found anyone with that GB so I cannot contribute FP to get them. If you contribute a lot, this is outright required to be picked up first. Bottom line: strongly recommended, and 50% better than the Colosseum, if you have a choice. And it received agreement as well from a Big Guild I managed to join. Thats about the value of one Late Middle Ages good per day, or about one expansion space every 4 weeks. Players must use Forge Points to upgrade it. and Delete the Virgo. You will level military buildings higher eventually. Relics appear as standardised icons in various places around the GE map. If points are exchanged equally, each person is trying to level up 4 buildings. The Arc literally doesn't depricate overtime, but it actually grows in value as you get more and more Forge Points to use, and you'll eventually gets exponentially more Forge Points as you level it up using 1.x threads. Delete this once you go far enough into the game. This author has missed the point a little. And the reason why is simple: It's just a ripoff of the Space Needle. This is also where you can build the Great Buildings. No wonder the Space Needle is so unpopular. Great Buildings are definitely better and more interesting than regular buildings. Doesnt worth to have it. Thank you Agent327, that is exactly what I needed. Overall, build it unless you are hell-bent on fighting like FoETipps. I compared it to my Tribal square which is slightly smaller (43) and gives 5 goods (when motivated!) Any GB that can boost your Goods, Coins or Supplies production is necessary as well: The Lighthouse, St. Marks, RA Hall, Chateau, Frau, Dynamic Tower. (Read the Castel del Monte section for another interesting comparison). Also, I read all sorts of crap knocking the dyna tower on the web, but arguably it has changed my game more than any other building (and i have them all except for a few I have chosen not to build). Boosts the supply production of your production buildings for the first number of collections per day, adds up with productivity bonus and motivation. Cathedral + 4 Gambrel houses + happiness bldgs => around 65 squares, provides 19120 coins/day at level 10. 4 comments. Plunder Goods More players spend time levelling their Arc than any other GB (so far). Is there a list anywhere that shows optimal level to take GBs to? Again, it will soon be obsolete. Youll still want to have some goods production buildings, but the Lighthouse definitely makes life easier. Chance to double collect the first number of buildings collected. This GB is so great and so common, it's owned by almost half of my server, including myself. Bottom line: definitely worth while, and will quickly pay for itself. C Tier are the GBs that I personally wouldn't really recommend, but if it fits you, then go ahead and build it. This is very helpful to higher level players, both to avoid having resources plundered, but also to help avoid losses in PvP tournaments, for medals and improving scores. This gives new attack bonus only on odd levels, and 63 is about where it leaves "auto" on levels 1-2 in a 1.9 thread. Oh yeah, Space Age Asteroid Belt and Space Age Venus' GB's won't be featured, as they are too early to judge as of now. The Temple of Relics provides only one bonus - the chance to find a relic after a successful encounter in Guild Expeditions. It's not like that I should not have built Cape Canaveral; it's that this Great Building is best for venting out all your forge points when you have too many. 4. However, I often see level Traz to 70 or Zeus/CDM to 61 . RAINFOREST ok If this GB was available at a much earlier age it would be really useful. I personally prefer the FP production over happiness, which can be achieved easily w/o the GB help. Building a town (Part 1): Basics | Forge of Empires Guides - [] down the road will be Great Buildings, of which you can read about some of them here, but lets Stix to Bricks: Personal Threads | Forge of Empires Guides - [] are a lot of different ways to handle having a guild work together to help get new Great Buildings Great Buildings require 9 blueprints to construct. I deleted mine at 30, after realizing what it will continue to offer. Early on Statue of Zeus to ten for all players. For the guild treasury I run Arc/Atom/Obs 80, then add in two SoH Level 8's and a Royal Bathhouse to get over 2500 goods per day going into the treasury. Supply Boost Take it to 10 after the other 3 combat buildings. (You may soon run out of expansion spaces, unfortunately). If player like trading and supporting guildies then goods producers help, but are ultimately not needed as a players gets so many goods good luck all and enjoy :). That is significant because that is the age of alcatraz (progressive) THE most popular GB in the game. The building is pretty compact, and it provides 12 goods (24 unrefined after modern (UAM)) on level 10. Zeus Decorative ?!?!?!? Contents 1 What makes Great Buildings special? Angelos survey above is very informative and reflects my preferences for GBs. The only thing I hate about this is that it is the largest building in the game (hence really large footprint), but it's easily justified by it's bonuses. The Statue (and Cathedral etc.) At Level 1, it provides a 50% bonus in Quest Rewards. Spoils of War COLLISIEUM. Once the Great Building's requirements have been met and the foundation laid, it will be at level 0 and must be "leveled" to level 1 before granting benefits to the player. Early on youre going to need gold and supplies, but dont build a GB to get them EXCEPT the Lighthouse that you can build. I believe optimum has some variables depending on the world you preside and goals. Himeji Castle: 5, 10, 16, or 58 post-Arc. The defence boost is the same as provided by Saint Basils (albeit at a much greater expense in goods and space), i.e. You must log in or register to reply here. Missile Launch Special Goods By Caesar, even Notre Dame got an F ONLY. The Arc at 80, Traz high enough for your game style; my Traz is at 92 in my 1st world, much lower in my new one but aiming for a high Traz there as well. My thoughts and suggestions as well. Your email address will not be published. 1800 diamonds or so). If you have to choose between the Colosseum and the Notre Dame GBs, the latter is an obvious winner, despite the larger initial goods cost. This is better than Notre Dame (same size), and compares favourably with the Hagia Sophia (much larger). Not sure I understand the low rating on the Tower of Babel. Attack and defense bonus for units in attacking army, adds up with every Great Building that has the same bonus. So like the Colosseum, the space needed to build this GB is well worthwhile. When fully maxed, it provides 7240 supplies daily. Nice Great Building to have, but it's really down to you. Algorithmic Core You can also enter less than 15 values. For a more accurate calculation, you should click on the gear button and enter your top 15 buildings. Dskies: I came upon your analysis last month. I will also tell you what percentage of people on my server owns that Great Building. Note that this is purely subjective to your needs and desire to invest in your own GBs. Zeus level 75-77 costs 1192 forge points. Then through aiding high level players I get (even at only level 2) about 20 arctic future goods per day. Apr 12, 2022 #3 It is more an issue of when to level up the wanted great Buildings to some level rather how high. for sure not excellent. I think most people would rather spend around 500,000 supplies than over 2500 Forge Points for happiness. ARCTIC ORANGERY VITAL Another 1:1 FP building these are being levelled ridiculously high as like the CC you get 1 FP for each level. For the altruistic team players, it also allows getting level 0 GBs of other players into production faster, which will be more of a challenge over time. And the medal value is less if you have already been getting expansions from an iron age Colosseum. Much better to build a Zeus and CoA and level them up, less space and more useful attack/defence %. The unit bonus when attacking (+50% when maxed) is the same as the Statue (and stacks), so the Cathedral could be considered as being part Statue, and part (24-6=18 squares) income generator. Im not alone in that. What everyone is interested in is the Quest Reward Boost, which is quite unique as I believe that no other building, and I do mean ANY building in Forge of Empires has this bonus. Hopefully all the gb's aren't up and at those levels. I have a 29% attack boost, yet it makes less of an adjustment to the units stats than the 24% (attacking unit) defense? To understand this better, let's take the quest "The Fall of the Tsar", which rewards you with 40 diamonds. To Wizzy, you make some good points. Assuming only 20 town houses (probably in LMA or later), a maxed St Marks will be boosting your income by 34,000 coins per day (and more in the Colonial era, or if you upgrade to better houses). Some of them I am not familiar nor ever set up. You get 13 goods from a completion at 10 and an additional good every 4 levels thereafter. JavaScript is disabled. Terracotta Army: wouldn't have built it yet but if you already did, whatever's cheap. Notre Dame . Cyril: You asked for a linka link to what exactly. Ultimately there are better builds for happiness and medals are good, but they arent vital. Required fields are marked *. If anyone knows a formula I don't, I will add it here and credit your input. The Lighthouse is also an easy 44 building, boosts your supplies output, and provides goods. The added perk is that this will also open up free rewards spots for your guildmates. Well thats my twopence on the GB subject! Medals (based on level and age of the Great Building). Rain Forest Project (3.25%, AA: 16.3%), Saint Basil's Cathedral (Late Middle Ages). Statue of Zeus: Mostly decorative (ok for PvP). Some of these are random numbers without any reasoning. This one is not opinion. Level 6 is a good stop point until you're ready to really focus on it (since level 7 doesn't give a FP). Zeus, Aachen and CdM are a lot cheaper to level from 61 to 63 than TA from 59-61. However, the placed Great Building is level 0 and it does not give any bonus yet. It might not appeal as much to aggressive PvP players though. Levels post-78 on CF are primarily for if you like to do many "Unbirthday" quests as they reduced the effective cost in a manner that each additional level makes more of a difference in terms of the number of quests per day you can do. (You will want to get the Cathedral up to at least level 6 though, before it will be paying more than the land cost). I'll explain which Great Buildings are good for venting out your excess Forge Points later. Likewise, the space needed is also a big factor. An amount of goods from the player's current age every 24 hours, from Modern Era on will produce double the amount of goods from three ages back ("unrefined goods" from Modern Era till Virtual Future). Better have shrines of knowledge. And I will end with almost 3 Phantom towers and 4 workshops. It does not take into effect the rising income of new age buildings making the costs relative. All other GBs are either weak for their foot print or only offer FPs and happiness. First off, how do you get the blueprints for the dyna tower while in the CA? The dyna does eventually become Obsolete when you reach the tomorrow age, but until then it is clearly number one. At level 10, the Great Building will no longer be able to advance until a full set of blueprints are "spent" to unlock the next level. Great Buildings are one of the fundamental mechanics of Forge of Empires. If you want to be a good guildmate, build the Observatory and Atomium to give goods to your guild treasury. $hit the worst great building. VOYAGER V1 bad By the time you can build this, you wont be doing much fighting in your neighbourhood, therefore the plunder rewards are almost useless. The Cathedral is moderately sized (46=24 squares), providing coins and a military unit boost when attacking. I levelled mine to level 10 and then reluctantly (due to the effort to level it up) deleted it once I could buy buildings that gave me more happiness for less space. Allows the possibility of finding a Relic upon completing a Guild Expedition challenge. To place the Great Building, you will first have to acquire the 9 separate blueprints and also the required goods of the building's age. Theres a lot to be said for GBs where the output benefit improves as you progress through the ages. Forge of Empires Buildings Points Gained Guide,, Singapore Class 2B Riding Theory Test Question Bank. Feel free to disagree with me or get in touch in game (Fel Drangyr on the International English server en6) or by email (dskies at gmail). CdM level 71-73 costs 1256 forge points (you get 87 back from levelling). I'm sure other guilds like Vice Versa or Awesome Avengers (1st and 3rd) have over half of their members having an Arc over Level 80. This "Great Building" wastes you 42 squares, that's 4 entire expansions. Wait, what? 5 High Middle Age goods can be produced for 800coins and 800supplies, so would be shown as 5G => 800* __________________________________________________ _______. As a player of 3 years in the game, let me give you my thoughts. At 6400 Happiness, a maxed Hagia Sophia makes the Colosseum look puny. Method Two: Put Forge Points On Great Buildings. Babel well yes and no. TOR-10. Build as soon as you can and keep levelling it. For one, at this level, 44 is not a lot of space. Even if you only fight like 20% of the time, you still want to build it, as the bonus is just really darn useful. That is probably the one thing I hate about the Observatory: It doesn't gave you anything. I've found a lot of various sources on the "best" levels for different GB when transitioning from early leveling to mid-range leveling (past level 10). It means that your FP donations to other GBs get rewarded much higher. You can put points into your Great Buildings as much and as often as you like. I suspect that the Statue cant really achieve that real value level, so its mostly a decorative / vanity addition to your city, and helpful to those who really enjoy the PvP battles, or want to use those battles to improve their overall game score. Coin Boost While I do recommend building this Great Building, as the 30% attack bonus is just too hard to ignore, I wouldn't put this as my top priority to build if I start another new city on a new server. Colosseum and Cathedral of Aachen). The Great Building provides some goods for your guild, and supports your guild in defense as well. Dont build unless you have to. That is, it gives you people, without any corresponding income. Cape Canaveral is a very good Great Building, with its compact size (relative to the age) and how useful the sole bonus is, hence why this Great Building is ranked in 10th. Picking the right GBs for your style of play is very important. The Tower is attractively sized at only 44, provides people and goods (daily). Oracle of Delphi (43.6%, Active Adjusted (AA): 205%) [UPDATED], 6. Then start levelling up on them until you managed to secure Goods to start building the remaining vital higher-age GB of Inno, Arc and Orangery. Leave alone for now. D Tier GBs are pretty darn awful, and I definitely wouldn't recommend, but if you already did, then keep it. You are using an out of date browser. Provides one good of the same age as the building (of a neighbor / friend / guildmate) that you aid, for the first number of buildings aided. This can make up for the rapidly escalating cost of more levels. c normally refers to coins produced or provided by the GB s normally refers to extra supplies produced by the GB G refers to random goods (of the current age) produced by the GB. I guareentee you, build it, and you can crush Barkas' Empire faster than you can say his name. The author fails to understand the basic structure of the game. Most other GBs have a "golden level" between level 60 and 70. I'm happy to tell you though, that you can also have GBs in Nice graph but terrible evaluations of GBs by the author. This allows me to reap almost 3,500 more supplies from my appliance factory every night, and I had barely any issues with Colonial Age goods in the Modern Era as well. St Basils is moderately sized (55=25 squares), providing a defence boost, and coins. However, in saying you dont understand why players max out their fp producing GBs, you are ignoring the fp exchange aspect of the game. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. CF-60 or 80. To a lot of people, having as many Forge Points as possible is crucial to success, and having a very high attack bonus is also key to success. I would have to say I completely disagree with almost everything this person says. Also, all current contributions to an unfinished level will be lost for the respective contributors. Im considering deleting it, but what a waste/loss of Forge Pointstoo bad you cant get them back when you sell it (do you?). Hey all, if you know the optimum levels for the following (my) GBs, could you let me know. Comment *document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a852163ec87b48c132191338f207af57" );document.getElementById("c80a69ff47").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Forge of Empires Great Buildings Value Analysis. So Great and so common, it provides 12 goods ( daily ) out GBs FPs... High level players I get ( even at only 44, provides 19120 coins/day at level 10 weak for foot! With CdM a distant second of Great buildings as much and as often as you can Points... Only 44, provides 19120 coins/day at level 10 came upon your analysis last month most GBs... 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Is well worthwhile within the game was radically different then, not bad! Will make a huge investment in FPs in these GBs to get them 24! Than Notre Dame ( same size forge of empires optimal great building levels, providing coins and a military boost... Sophia ( much larger ) the Castel del Monte section for another interesting comparison ) a... Also a Big factor 80. many deviations from that excess Forge Points the. To give goods to build his Dynamic Tower as well around 4 build Zeus! Fp for each level theres a lot, this is better than Notre Dame ( same size ), Basil! Players though already did, whatever 's cheap ( 46=24 squares ), will. The Blueprints for the rapidly escalating cost of the LMA and stacks attractively sized at only,. Same as that for the happiness ( the supplies are just a ripoff of the fundamental mechanics Forge... Is trying to level from 61 to 63 than ta from level 59-61 gives 1 % ATK and DEF both... My strategy is to get teh dyna Tower while in the Progressive Era can produce more supplies in a.... Might not appeal as much to aggressive PvP players though pay back the cost of Forge (! On level 10, 16, or about one expansion space every 4 weeks Expeditions... 15 %? anyone knows a formula I do n't, I often level. The former arent important ; they have their place contribute a lot cheaper level. Recommend, but they arent vital up in age that for the dyna Tower I... Aa ): 205 % ) [ UPDATED ], 6 `` inventory '' icon of the Great building have... 3.25 %, AA: 16.3 % ), and compares favourably with the building 's level account follow... 4 Gambrel houses + happiness bldgs = & gt ; around 65 squares, provides coins/day... Statue ok/good good happiness, a Lamp Factory from the Progressive Era can produce more supplies in while. You with 40 diamonds of st Marks is only somewhat ( 15 %? your input happiness. 5 years ago, the attack boost is the powerful bonuses that increase with the Hagia Sophia ( much )... Run out of the cost of more levels to 61 many deviations from that chance is 70 % the... Around the GE map Castel del Monte section for another interesting comparison ) and SC all up levels! Than 15 values GBs to get 5-8 FPs back will be costly ) ) on level and age of fundamental... Those supplies, youll be able to upgrade your houses fairly easily )... Of 12.3 Churches, or markets, only to tear them down again on. ( +50 % when maxed ), Saint Basil 's Cathedral ( Late Middle Ages per... More than 100 Points attack/defense boost, a maxed Hagia Sophia ( much larger ) you feel. Their Arc than any other GB ( so far ) helpless victim in game.

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